To Love the Church

To Love the Church

The Church is the mother of our faith because she generates us, she nourishes us, she strengthens us in the faith (Lumen Gentium, n. 6-7). Saint Cyprian affirms: “One can not have God as Father who does not first have the Church as mother.”{{1}} And he adds: “we are...

Come, let us adore

Come, let us adore

“The Magi, seeing the star, said to each other: this is the sign of a great King: let us go and seek Him, and let us offer Him gifts, gold, incense and myrrh.” — Antiphon to the Magnificat. Dear brothers in the priesthood, deacons, and brothers and sisters of the lay...

On the new pope

On the new pope

The last few months have been unique: the abrupt end of one papacy and the election of the first Pope from the new world! We have never confronted the situation of farewelling a Pope who was still alive. This has been a difficult time for many of us who have loved and...

Habemus Papam

Habemus Papam

What a time to be in Rome! As the world was gripped by the resignation of Pope Benedict and the election of Pope Francis, I found myself not just a close observer of these historic events but living them from their very centre. On December 31st last year I was...

Sacrosanctum concilium

Sacrosanctum concilium

The first document of an Ecumenical Council devoted entirely to divine worship was Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (1963). Because people experience the Church primarily through worship, no other document of the Second Vatican Council...

Professionalism & the priest

Professionalism & the priest

Professionalism and the priest. What a strange title for an article on the priesthood! Priesthood isn’t a profession – it’s a vocation. Agreed. It is above all a vocation, a calling from God from all eternity to serve souls in the ministry, making Jesus Christ present...

Church and state

Church and state

And some observations on the Nouvelle Theologie In this article the intent is to consider the relation between Church and State based upon the relation between grace and nature. It is believed that a failure to do this leads to all sorts of misconceptions about Church...